June 21, 1993 Sean Sanders 74260,2327 and Mark Magnus 76570,204 both report that they have been able to run Paradox 4.0 in Access Server v1.3 sessions. Novell has done some very informal preliminary testing and both concepts (which essentially do the same thing) seem to work. Environment: Via modem through a Novell Access Server 1.3 to a NetWare v3.11 server. SEAN's SOLUTION --------------- My problems revolved around inability to launch more than one remote Paradox 4.0 session (the first session would grab all the memory available). Here's what I did: 1. Modified the Access Server as follows: A. max expanded memory per session = 4000 KB (64MB total system mem) B. max sessions per username = 1 2. Forced the network version of Paradox 4.0 to run BPMIINST (the environment variable DPMIMEM=MAXMEM 4000 was active at the time) 3. For each remote session, set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM X (where X is a number, I used both 4000 and 16000 successfully) 4. Forced the shared Paradox overlay (PARADOX.OVL) to update with DPMIMEM. Step 1A may not be required but Step 3 is vital. After following these steps, I was able launch 4 simultaneous remote Paradox 4.0 sessions, each grabbing 8MB of RAM and running various test scenarios. MARK's SOLUTION --------------- SET DPMIMEM-MAXMEM 4000 No TSRs Paradox switch of -EMK 0